
  • 1 Register

    Click on Registration, fill in all the details in the form, and then click register. You will receive a one-time password via email.

  • 2 Change Password

    Upon successful registration, you will be redirected to the change password page. Enter the one-time password sent to your email in the 'Current Password' field. Now create your new password and confirm it.

  • 3 Log In

    Log into the system using the new password you just created and the email address used during registration.

  • 4 Complete Profile

    Upon login, you will be redirected to the Supplier Registration Profile. Complete your profile by filling in the required details and then click on 'Submit Profile'.

  • 5 Tender Application

    CLick on tenders on the side bar ,under active tenders You will have the ability of applying any tender listed

Supplier Contacts

Reach out to us for any queries or assistance.





Nairobi, Kenya